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The hotel reservation is open now.
Find the hotels on the map.
The hotel prices do not include local tax (1,60 PLN per person per day).
If two participants wish to share a room, then only one of them should make the booking in the system. While making the reservation the participant will be requested to type in the roommate's name.
Each hotel reservation has to be guaranteed.
The guarantee should be sent within 5 day (since the date of booking), either by:
Credit card
- the CC authorization form should be printed, filled in, signed and send by fax to:
00 48 12 663 38 58 or scanned by e-mail to: cbin@adm.uj.edu.pl
When you guarantee the hotel reservation by credit card, no money is charged unless you cancel the reservation after the date provided at credit card authorization form (in that case the equivalent of one night cost will be taken from the card). The whole amount should be paid at the hotel reception desk upon the arrival.
Bank transfer
- a copy of the bank transfer should be send by fax to: 00 48 12 663 38 58 or scanned by e-mail to: cbin@adm.uj.edu.pl when you guarantee the hotel reservation by bank transfer, you should pay the equivalent of one night stay. The bank account details are provided in the system.
The bank transfer title should include the name of the participant, the name of the conference and the dates of arrival and departure. The rest of the payment should be made at the hotel reception desk upon the arrival.
Any changes in the reservation can be made before the possible cancellation date given in the system (different for each hotel).
In case of the reservation cancellation after cancellation date, the money will not be reimbursed.
In case you need an invoice for your hotel reservation payment, please contact Mrs. Elzbieta Jaglowska or Ms. Katarzyna Tumm form the Jagiellonian University Events Office at: cbin@adm.uj.edu.pl or by phone at: 0048 12 663 38 58.
Please note that the invoices are always issued by the hotels directly.
Below, please find the instruction how to book a hotel.
- - during the registration process (instruction given in the registration system)
- - after registration has been completed, when logging in to the system
To reserve a room after registering, please follow the instruction:
- log in to the system
- click Edit registration data
- choose Accommodation tab
- choose the hotel from the list given
- choose the room type
- choose your name from the drop down list
- choose or type in the name of the second person (optionally, possible only if you have chosen a double room)
- tick the dates of the accommodation
- choose the method of hotel reservation guarantee (some hotels may have only one option available)
- click the Save changes button (at the bottom of the page)
- go to the Payments and invoices tab
- press print credit card authorization (under the accommodation fee information) or print bank transfer data button (the name depends on the method of hotel deposit guarantee you chose).