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media patrons:

Dear Sirs/Mesdames,
It is our pleasure to inform you that Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Polish Botanical Society, Polish Aerobiology Network, Polish Society of Allergology, University of Rzeszów, Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences and Allergen Research Center have the honor to organize the 5th European Symposium on Aerobiology which will be held from the 3rd till 7th of September 2012 in Kraków.
The European Society on Aerobiology and the Organizing Committee of the 5th ESA extend a special invitation to local and international companies, organizations and publishers to participate in this scientific event.
The European Symposia on Aerobiology provide a forum for scientists from many disciplines, medical doctors, government and commercial representatives to discuss applications in many fields of aerobiology, environmental monitoring, especially analyses of pollen grain, fungal spore, bacteria and virus concentrations in the air and their influence on human bodies, animals and plants. One of the main subjects of these Symposia is the pollen monitoring importance for diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of allergic diseases.
Believing in your interest in our undertaking, we kindly encourage you to benefit from the wide variety of forms of participation and to consider the option of financial support of the Symposium. The conference sponsorship offers a wide range of benefits irrespective of the size of your company and the level of your current market presence.
The sponsor will be offered with the variety of promotion and publicity services, with the special benefits set forth for the Sponsor. All the Sponsors are provided with the following benefits:
- Exhibition of company products, promotion materials or some other items in the Conference Centre halls
- Location of the company logo in promotional materials, leaflets, posters, abstract book, official Symposium website
Depending on sponsorship we are offering the publication of advertising in the abstract book (one colour page), the opportunity of short product presentation between scientific sessions or individual benefits tailored to the Sponsor expectations.
Please note that there is always a possibility to negotiate the sponsorship offer and we are open to any suggestion concerning forms of financial support or other support for the symposium.
We are convinced that the Symposium with such a high importance to the Polish science creates the perfect conditions and opportunities for long-term relationship between science and business represented by companies that are leaders in their fields.
For sponsor opportunities please contact:
e-mail: 5esa@cm-uj.krakow.pl with message title SPONSORSHIP.
Yours faithfully
5ESA Organizing Committee
- Sponsorship (pdf)
- Sponsoring (pdf)